Cre8ive Maths week 2022
Hornby High School students are instinctively creative, there’s no denying the evidence of our very own Cre8ive Maths week where a range of projects were undertaken during Wānanga, Hurumanu, and Maths classes.
On the 8th – 12th of August, New Zealand celebrated Maths Week 2022. At Hornby High School, we celebrated Maths Week, a week of fun, creativity, and challenges. The Hornby High School Mathematics Students Club organised a daily activity and a problem solving exercise for the staff and students. The Maths team ran a variety of activities: Monday: Bingo Games; Tuesday: Maths Blooket; Wednesday: Guess the Number of Jelly Beans; Thursday: Mini-Cantamath; Friday: Rubik’s Cube Competition. Both the staff and students were delighted and had an enjoyable week of challenging mathematics problems and riddles. All winners were thrilled with the prizes they received.
Students demonstrated diverse methods of exhibiting creative mathematics thinking by creating acrostic poems, slogans, rap, even songs. During the week we ‘rose-and-shone’ each morning with one of Mr Sutton’s maths limericks. Can you spot them in the photos in this article?
The week was a combination of staff and student leadership, enabled through our Manaiakalani kaupapa, and our ‘Learn Create Share’ pedagogy. It was a great example of the application of creative thinking and creativity in our daily mahi to engage our learners.