Creativity in stone
Young stone carvers develop their skills and their creativity
We love showcasing the creative work of our students; after all our vision, our aspiration, is to be ‘a centre of creative excellence. he puna auaha’. Take a look at the amazing work of these rangatahi who have been selected from Year 7-9 to work with professional carver Shaun. The students are working on ‘relief’ carvings representing the birds of our Kāhui – Mōhua, Riroriro, and Tīeke.
This is another example of the ‘Learn Create Share’ pedagogy that is the core of our work with the Manaiakalani kaupapa. While ‘Learn, Create, Share’ is often thought of as work with digital devices, this project again shows that it can take many forms, often not digital in nature. As a kura we are vey mindful that we must use ‘the right tool for the job’ with students’ learning, and in this case the right tools are hammers, chisels, and rasps.
The sculptures will be treasured for years to come and will be displayed around our kura for all to see.