Hornby High School
School Information
School Donation (Activities Fee)
We will not be requesting a donation for the 2024 school year. Students may still need to pay for any extracurricular activities (sport, itinerant music lessons).
Emergency Closing
In the event of any situations requiring the school to be closed, a cancellation notice will be broadcast on local radio stations, our website, our school-links text system, our Hornby High School Facebook page and via the Hornby High School App.
Contacting Students
Those who wish to contact students during the school day, whether by telephone or in-person, should do so only through the school office. All visitors must report to the school office on arrival. It is not acceptable to phone or text students on cell phones during class time.
Student illness or injury
Students who feel too unwell to attend class should report to the school nurse. Injuries of a minor nature will be dealt with at school. If the injury is more serious and further medical attention is required parents/caregivers will be contacted and it is their responsibility to take whatever action they feel is appropriate. If a parent cannot be contacted the school reserves the right to obtain, at parent/caregiver’s expense, whatever reasonable medical assistance is appropriate.
Student Absence
It is essential that the school is contacted when a student is away due to illness or other reasons. Phone the school at any time and leave a message for the attendance officer on 03 349 5396, extension: 838. You can also notify of an absence via the Hornby High School app.
Internet use
Hornby High School makes the internet available to students to use for learning. Using the internet responsibly is a condition of enrolment at Hornby High School which all students must accept. Hornby High School has taken steps to make the internet as safe as possible. All content is filtered to ensure only suitable content can be viewed. The school will teach students to access, use and evaluate online content. These are essential skills in our modern connected world. We have also put in place rules to discourage practices that might be harmful, inappropriate, or illegal.
Use of mobile phones and digital devices
Hornby High School is a 1:1 digital school. We require all students to have a digital device (with a keyboard) for their day-to-day learning. We strongly recommend that students in Years 7-11 have a Chromebook. Senior students may have a laptop. Hornby High School accepts no liability for the loss of, or damage to, any student’s personal digital device that may be brought to, and used at, school. Students must ensure that their devices are kept safe during times when they are not with their belongings e.g. PE periods and at interval/lunch.
Cellphones, ear buds or similar devices are not permitted at school from 8.30am to 2.45pm daily. For more questions and answers click here
The School Day
The day begins at 8:30 am and finishes at 2.45pm. There are five 60 minute lessons each day. There are three periods before the lunch break which runs from 1.15pm to 1.45 pm.
Kāhui Colours
Mōhua – Gold
Riroriro – Blue
Tieke – Red
The following rules are not designed to restrict students unduly, but to form the basis for responsible action. The best rule could be stated to be – ‘Use courtesy and common sense.’
The Kawa of Care is an agreement between students, parents, and schools, to ensure the best care and responsibility is exercised with the Chromebook during each student’s time at Hornby High School.
View our school rules here.
View our timetable here.
Kai Time
Hornby High School is part of the Ministry of Education’s Ka Ora, Ka Ako (Healthy School Lunches) programme.
All students have a 15 minute kai time just before interval. Food is prepared on site at the school cafe, and served to students in Wānanga classes / groupings. Wānanga teachers are responsible for reinforcing appropriate tikanga around kai time, in line with kahui expectations. Deans and wānanga leads will advise on tikanga.