Hornby High School Senior Boys Basketball Thomson Team in the finals!
We did it!! We are in the finals!! Beating Rangiora New Life 113 – 54. The game itself was incredible. Hornby High School students, ex students and the community showed up to support our boys.
The highlight of the game was the last 5 minutes of the game being played. Both the HHS team and Rangiora New Life had two junior players. Luke H-R was our junior player.
During the game both the teams allowed these two players to match up against each other. One on one both defense and offence play. Both players were cheered on by the supporters, teammates and coaches. The atmosphere was extraordinary. The noise took off the roof!! Proud of them all. Finals next week are being played on Monday night at Cowles Stadium. I will be organising transport for students to attend the game.
Kana Shedlock – Whiu
Sports Coordinator